Monday, June 6, 2016

7 Weeks To Go

5 years later, I'm 33 weeks pregnant with our 2nd daughter (who is now a size of a pineapple), working full time, waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and worst of all having trouble falling back asleep thereafter. So here I go attempting to blog my insomnia away.

Time is passing by so quickly with this pregnancy compared to my first. I think it's because my current job is much more demanding and my commute time doubled - 1 hour each way, to and from work, if I'm lucky.

Baby T is due July 23rd and loves to dance (like her big sister L) and hiccups like crazy. She loves halfway frozen yogurt and granola for breakfast, salmon made well done with rice and ocean (seaweed) salad for lunch, and any protein and veggies grilled with seasoned potatoes for dinner.

Looks like blogging does help with insomnia. Goodnight world.

A 5 Year Difference in Age

When people found out that my daughters would be five years apart, they were puzzled as to why we waited so long and asked if I had trouble conceiving, which I politely said no to.

Why did we wait 5 years? Mostly it was because of childcare. Only until then we realized the true cost of childcare and not having the luxury of either of our parents available to watch Miss 5.

When I had my first child and returned to work from maternity leave, my husband's work schedule was very flexible while in the midst of establishing his own business and was able to take Miss 5 to his meetings. Thankfully his clients were graciously accepting of this and  were impressed how well Misses 5 behaved at her age. Miss 5 eventually turned 6 months old and we knew it was time for her to go attend daycare as she became more vocal and wanted to play and crawl instead of sit through meetings with Daddy.

We were very fortunate to find a great daycare person at that time who is state licensed and a close distance away from home. An open spot actually became available and now youngest daughter will be under her care.

Update: This blog was actually written over year ago and I never posted it. Not exactly sure why but her it is now. :)  Furthermore, I'm currently a Stay at Home but more on that later. ;)