Saturday, July 9, 2016

Breast Pump

To pump or not to pump - a breast pump is definitely not cheap but such a great investment. That has been lingering in my mind for the past month or so and now I'm down to 2 more weeks until my estimated due date with only a 2.5 cm dilation.

It was my standard 2 week pregnancy check up making sure Baby T's heartbeat was still going strong and thankfully it was.

Towards the end of my appointment my OB writes up a prescription to get a TDap  vaccination and a "breast pump." Puzzled at the "breast pump" prescription, I question her and found that the Affordable Care Act passed a law about 5 years ago that some medical insurance coverages will provide a FREE (that's right, FREE!!) breast pump! I start getting all wide-eyed and excited to do more research on obtaining a breast pump.

My appointment is done and I'm back at the office with three-quarters of work day left. Finally, lunchtime decides to make an appearance and I'm on the internet getting info of when the program started and which retail stores participate in giving me a FREE breast pump.

I find that my local Target accepts the prescription and has a better selection of breast pumps than other retailers. After work I head over to Target and anxiously await my turn at the Pharmacy. I'm next!...and am told that CVS has taken over Target's pharmacy department and will need to check with Customer Service for more info.

The customer representative I talked with had no clue what I was talking about but luckily an older gentleman did and he provided McKesson Patient Care Solutions, Inc. (MPCS) contact info - 805-406-PUMP (7867).

I called McKesson Patient Care Solutions, Inc. (MPCS) and their customer service was exceptional. I gave them my information and received an email confirming my inquiry with a list of breast pumps that were available under my insurance plan, either completely free or an upgraded pump for a nominal fee.

Here are my options and please note that this may differ depending on your medical coverage and/or the State you live in.

Breast Pump Basic Options
-Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Starter Set
-Ameda Purely Yours Dual Electric Personal Double Pump

Breast Pump Upgrade Options (An Upgrade Agreement Form is Required)

-Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Tote or Backpack  ($119 upgrade charge)
-Medela Freestyle Breastpump ($195 upgrade charge)

Needless to say, I chose the completely free breast pump - Medela Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump Starter Set and it should be available for pick up at my local Target store in 1-3 business days.  Now how easy was that? I'm so excited!

Monday, June 6, 2016

7 Weeks To Go

5 years later, I'm 33 weeks pregnant with our 2nd daughter (who is now a size of a pineapple), working full time, waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and worst of all having trouble falling back asleep thereafter. So here I go attempting to blog my insomnia away.

Time is passing by so quickly with this pregnancy compared to my first. I think it's because my current job is much more demanding and my commute time doubled - 1 hour each way, to and from work, if I'm lucky.

Baby T is due July 23rd and loves to dance (like her big sister L) and hiccups like crazy. She loves halfway frozen yogurt and granola for breakfast, salmon made well done with rice and ocean (seaweed) salad for lunch, and any protein and veggies grilled with seasoned potatoes for dinner.

Looks like blogging does help with insomnia. Goodnight world.

A 5 Year Difference in Age

When people found out that my daughters would be five years apart, they were puzzled as to why we waited so long and asked if I had trouble conceiving, which I politely said no to.

Why did we wait 5 years? Mostly it was because of childcare. Only until then we realized the true cost of childcare and not having the luxury of either of our parents available to watch Miss 5.

When I had my first child and returned to work from maternity leave, my husband's work schedule was very flexible while in the midst of establishing his own business and was able to take Miss 5 to his meetings. Thankfully his clients were graciously accepting of this and  were impressed how well Misses 5 behaved at her age. Miss 5 eventually turned 6 months old and we knew it was time for her to go attend daycare as she became more vocal and wanted to play and crawl instead of sit through meetings with Daddy.

We were very fortunate to find a great daycare person at that time who is state licensed and a close distance away from home. An open spot actually became available and now youngest daughter will be under her care.

Update: This blog was actually written over year ago and I never posted it. Not exactly sure why but her it is now. :)  Furthermore, I'm currently a Stay at Home but more on that later. ;)

Saturday, November 28, 2015

I Heart Hugs

Thanksgiving 2015 was exhausting but worth the time spent eating and being marry with family. I wanted to share the easiest SALTY & SWEET treat ever! My 4YO helped place the Butter Snap pretzels on the baking sheet while I unwrapped about a bag and half of Hershey's Hugs (my fave!).

Butter Snaps & Hugs
Set oven at 200 degrees

1 bag of Butter Snaps
2 bags of Hershey's Hugs
Cookie Sheet
Parchment Paper

While the oven is preheating at 200 degrees, place parchment paper on a cookie sheet and neatly line up butter snap pretzels to utilize the most space. Unwrap each individual Hugs and place one on each pretzel. Place cookie sheet in oven for 2-3 minutes. Remove cookie sheet from oven and lightly press extra pretzels on chocolate to create a sandwich.

Tip(s): When placing the pretzel on the parchment paper, be sure to set aside the same amount of pretzels which will be used to go on the chocolate to create a sandwich after it is baked.

Sink or Swim

Once a year we plan a mini vacation to spend time with my in-laws who currently live in South America. A little over a year ago when my LO was turning 3, this time we took our Annual In-Law Trip to beautiful Kailua-Kona and we learned that our LO loved the water. During our vacation we made it a point to have her swim/float at least once a day at the pool and it was amazing! She used arm floaties the entire time and it seemed like she was made for the water.

Needless to say, when we returned home we quickly signed her up for swim lessons at a nearby recreation center. It was a parent and toddler class where we sang nursery rhymes but the lyrics were changed to say things about kicking, paddling, holding your breath, etc. Singing made it really fun and it really helped them feel comfortable in the water without even thinking about it.

After 10 lessons at 30 minutes each, she was able to hold her breath underwater for about 5 seconds at a time and was brave enough to jump in the pool by herself, of course either myself or my hubby was there to pull her up for air after jumping in. It was so thrilling to see her improving at each session!

Winter break came along and classes were not being offered at that time so we waited until the next available session but of course, life came into play and time went by so quickly that it has now been over a year since her first swimming class.

A year later and a year older she is taking lessons at a new swimming facility and we're starting at square one. She's more timid about getting in the pool, maybe because we're not in the water with her but once in the heated pool she flashes her big smile and waves at us with approval of her efforts.

Watching her start from the bottom was hard for me, the regret that I should have been more adamant at keeping her and myself motivated to practice more. Her fourth session was last week and has been improving each time. I've finally let go of that regret, focusing on the now, and enjoying her evening swim under the stars.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Adventure Will Continue

For the past year (give or take a few months), I've tried to do "the crafting thing" and sell handmade products online, at craft fairs, and through social media. I'll be the first to admit that this wasn't an easy task!! I had a lot of fun but with that came sleepless nights, cranky mommy, irritable wifey, and unfortunately not much sales. Don't get me wrong, low sales wasn't due to a tired mommy/wifey or at least I hope not! Ha!

Going through this adventure reminded me of when I worked in retail during my 20's and how much I disliked persuading a customer to get 20% off their current purchase when approved for the department store credit card. I remember asking an older man who was shopping with his daughter to sign up for a credit card and he politely declined. While he declined, his daughter who barely looked 10 years old expressed disappointment and then I began telling her how credit cards are not good for you and her father chimed in saying, "You see, even she says not to sign up for the credit card." On that day, I realized sales was not for me, although being in customer service was always a joy.

I've always enjoyed making crafts and will continue to do so and with that, Ruby Red Olive, will remain a place to learn, grow, and share ideas with anyone who will listen. *:)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Two sisters with a daughter each her own, a 6 year old that loves all things sparkly and a 20 month old that loves to sing Happy Birthday. We want our blog to be filled with all things beautiful...things created...gorgeous views of times in San Diego and inspiration to and from others!

As we embark on our newest adventure, we would like to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!  *:)